Why the USA is continuously being the COVID hotspot?

First and foremost there is no single superhero in the USA who is worthy of fighting against the COVID19 variants. The one smart engineer and beloved scientist Mr Tony Stark has sacrificed his life against the great battle of restoring the earth's people in the battle of Endgame. Another person is named a Doctor but in his career, he has failed to prove as a doctor, he can do many other things but certainly is not capable of doing a single thing about practising doctor. Another scientist Dr Bruce Banner who is more obsessed with only Gamma radiation still doesn't get enough anger to do something for the people of America. 

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I think now the superheroes are hopeless, they are only good at fighting against the aliens and genetically modified animals. The virus came to America to testify their skill but they are miserably failed as Virus comes out like out of the syllabus. 

But the real superheroes doctors and frontline medical staff have been doing an amazing job since the inception of the Covid 19 virus. I think the USA is constantly remaining in the hotspot position due to its intelligent citizens, these citizens are always listening to the doctors and taking every pill by asking the reason but when the Doctor's ask them to always wear masks, the answer is who the hell are you? we are double vaccinated, we are celebrating our lives by gathering and spending the most important time of our life in club, theatre and sports centre. Who knows, what's are in the future? You are asking us to take the vaccine? We took and now you guys are saying that vaccinated people are more vulnerable people to get affected by the Omicron variants. What will we do? We are jobless, some are homeless? How will we survive? There is no security about in 6 months new variants will appear and you will say again that after the booster dose you will get a fighter dose directly on the left side of the chest. 

We don't have to worry, yesterday I have handed an amazing script to MCU and they agree to that immediately. Only after one year, we will be Covid free so till then 
Masks OP, Sanitizer OP and keep distance OP.

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