GANDHI is not my HERO, he is my FRIEND

Gandhi is not my hero, He is my friend, and last night we were in the Sabarmati ashram and discussed the whole night about people's poverty, misery, violence, and how people don't differentiate all those from their daily thought. We only discussed and did not spread or circulated any theory that later you will say your friend is wrong. I can manage my wrongness but when you will target him it will be difficult for me. Yes as a friend of him I am incapable of tolerance and prone to violence. Though I don't kill or slap anybody, the violence that grows inside me erupts in my behavior and I become harmful to society.
Gandhi prepared tea in the evening for both of us. There was no ginger in the tea but it tasted good. Gandhi said we don't have to worry about anything, people's poverty is a matter of time but I am more concerned about their education. People are now opting towards education is a good sign but the education system is degrading. I nodded, Gandhi asked me to have any concrete plan about the education system that the government is working on? I said there is more gossiping about education for sure but what the plan and how they implement that is a point of discussion but they didn't discuss, Government have known everything they don't need anyone's suggestions. Gandhi asked me immediately, how they are so sure about education when they have mere qualifications? I answered immediately to him don't raise any voice now otherwise they will find and circulate your matrix certificate in WhatsApp. What is WhatsApp? I didn't want to explain so I asked him what is the menu for dinner? He is a foodie so he distracted quickly and said, I will experiment with a new dish today, hope you will like that. I liked your experiment of truth, I am sure I will like it. How could you be so sure? Both are in different fields, don't take me for granted. Okay. What is the dish? It's kheer. What's new about that? It has a new ingredient and name. Pure Kesar from Kashmir is the new ingredient and the name is Violence killer. From when you are being funny? I was funny before but people never noticed that. He said he didn't go to Kasmir recently what is the situation now? Kashmir looks beautiful on Instagram. Some celebrities are going there. You don't believe it, they have 24/7 high-speed 2G internet, Their internet shut down have reduced to 285 days. They are not in the news anymore. I think the Kashmiris are not photogenic people so the media is not going there and the most fun part is governments are thinking about the election in Kashmir while Kashmir politicians are away from the media. Where will be the politician manipulate people now? I am stressed out, Gandhi kept his hand upon me and said you don't have to worry they will find a medium to manipulate and people will be manipulated. 
Gandhi was preparing kheer while I was trying to spin some cotton with his charkha. He didn't refuse me to touch his chakra though he was not happy because I wasted some cotton. I was bored with charkha so went near him again. How much more time will take to prepare for the Violence killer. Are you mocking me? No, I am hungry. Little more minute. Now ego is boiling after then the kheer will be ready. Why do you have always problems with violence? I don't like it, it never solves a problem. It is the reason for any unrest situation from family to the country. People will harm themselves in violence for sure. You are very much different from people. People will stand quietly and waste their time to see a violent scenario. They will provoke others to joins the violence. Violence for them is the key to success. You are outdated, my friend. Maybe, but I am not leaving my way.  You don't have to, I am following your way. Is that not enough? You stop blabbering and give me a glass of water. I gave him water. I don't know what you will think of me but I want you to stop advising people. Why? People are not listening to you anymore, there are many speakers now. I don't want to see the sad face always. People will make mistakes and feel pain, you have to accept. You can not do anything about it. Don't me say about that, I can not. I can and I will try no matter what. Are you with me? yes. Take a bowl and spoon.
He served me a bowl and took one bowl for himself. We simultaneously blew the kheer and sip. How is the taste? Delicious, quite amazing. Are you saying the truth? No, you have forgotten to add sugar. I don't take sugar. I don't know about that, you haven't mentioned it anywhere. I stopped taking sugar from today. Are you saying the truth? Yes. Is this a new experiment? Yup. How did you lie to me that it is delicious, it tastes horrible to me? Maybe you would not like the truth. You should have known that you will always tell the truth no matter I like it or not. I am sorry. You should be. Truth should be not a choice it's an attitude. I knew now. You are a horrible cook. Really?
We both spread our mat on the floor. We slept. But I was not sleepy so I asked him to tell me a story? He started, there was a king a long time ago. Stop, stop. Horror story, please. Do you know about the jaliwanawalbagh massacre? What do you think of me? Everybody knows about that horrors. Tell me a thriller story. Kaori train loot? Everybody knows that. You tell me, I haven't gone outside a long time so. You haven't gone outside that's why you are my friend. You can't look outside with your what's happening can not listen to the horrifying cries and can not utter a word against autocracy. You are better here and I will not make you go outside. What? He sits immediately. I want to go now. Where is my stick, give me my stick, I am leaving now? You are not going anywhere. They don't believe you now. You are only now the currency and photos. Your ideology is gone. Then what should I do? Nothing. You stay here. Who will come to you, you will advise otherwise nothing else? I have come here to make sure this.  Do you know tomorrow is my birthday? Everybody knows there, your birthday is a festival to them. There will be tons of photos, tweets and articles will publish tomorrow but no one will cut a cake for you. I have come with a cake. Does that cake contain egg? Yes, I am sorry. You will only cut the cake and I will eat it. Okay. I am self-reliant, I will make a cake tomorrow and we will eat. I won't eat that cake if you don't add sugar.  Okay, I will make kheer again tomorrow. What?

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