War, Peace, Russia, and Ukraine are the never-ending story.


                           George Orwell, 1984

Lets the war begins first, and then we will talk about peace. War is important rather than peace, peace is the byproduct of war so we have to always prepare for the war after then the fabricated peace will prevail for some time and we will thump our chest that we have discovered the peace. And the utmost important people or country who is always talking about peace be aware of them, they are always talking about peace but most of the time they don't find them guilty or responsible for the war and other than this for them War is the most important thing to prevail peace, in simple words, NO WAR NO PEACE.

The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine

Everybody says that now in the war between Russia and Ukraine, the U.S.A is the main culprit. The U.S.A.'s proposal to Ukraine to join NATO is the main instigator of this war. Though the joining does not happen, Russia thinks it's the party time to show the world that Joining NATO for prevailing peace on the associated countries comes with the cost of War. This is not the first time the two countries go against each other but due to social media or mainstream media availability so the cry for peace is louder. Like every country and international institution (United Nations) is helping Ukraine, with the same precise amount of anguish, tears, and assistance people are asking for peace to prevail. At least half of the population is unaware of the Crimean War, which cost the lives of 14000 individuals. According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, extremists have gained control of Ukraine, and he will do everything in his power to protect his country's sovereignty and maintain peace. According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Russia is the aggressor, and Russia is attempting to divide Ukraine or annex complete Ukraine is an unclear subject.

Check out, the summary of war and peace

What is the way forward of the war?

The way forward lies in oblivion. There are no ways there at all now, it is the wish of a political heavyweight sound man to wish to go for a war with an unprecedented problem that will cost his country's sovereignty and the immediate answer to media will be for this unprecedented war is: we are a peaceful country and we will start a war to make the ultimate peace prevail on the world and we are the angels from the god and we will make sure that the war will happen for peace.

What are the consequences of the war?

1. Peace, Peace, and Peace
2. Preparation for the next peace mission
3. The slogan of the No War will make noise
4. Russia and Ukraine will ally with other countries to prevail peace in future
5. One given day the sound politician will start the peace mission

N.B- The dead soldier will be declared martyred and the ordinary dead person will be there as an ordinary whole number to give people the idea that they are lost their life for the Peace mission.

Who is Right \ Wrong on this war?

In this uncertain world, everything is wrong. Today's truth may be declared false tomorrow, like a scientific theory. So for me, everybody is wrong, then we have to calculate who is more wrong so we have to hate him. Hate is the main reason for declaring someone wrong, the juror may not hate them but the general idea of declaring someone or something is wrong will always translate to hate for the general public. In this war, most of the people are thinking that Russia is the aggressor and it has done one type of massacre on Ukraine in the last 15 days and this is true but I think everybody knows about this saying," There is no smoke without a fire". Russia feels the smoke and acts accordingly and we all can agree about this point that everybody wants their country's sovereignty and they will do every possible thing to defend their sovereignty and protect their land from unforeseen danger. The situation is normal to us maybe it is not normal to Russia, like casual relationship in the U.S.A is a very well-known concept but in India, it is not explorable for most of all. Universal Brotherhood the concept is only good at reading and it only stays good within the friendly people and friendly countries, the concept always falls behind the sovereignty of the nation and someone from within the country most of the time will never see the wrong if acknowledge that then consequence of that is sedition which is more excruciating than anything. Everyone is wanting peace, how can we define them as wrong?  Everyone is trying good for their people, how can they be wrong? Everyone is defending their country while killing the enemies(not people), how can you say this is wrong? On memorial day they can award for the killing of the enemies by their respective countries, how can they be wrong? Other countries are not helping Russia and Ukraine because they are focusing on their country first, how can this country be blamed for this war?  The only thing to blame for the war is PEACE.

When will end this war?

Someday for sure. Every war will stop One day and One day Peace treaty will happen. but is this the last war between them? Absolutely no, they will agree to a peace treaty for doing the peace prevail mission in the future. It's our mistake that we are naming this peace mission as war.

War and Peace is a never-ending story. War will happen for Peace and Peace will only come through the war in this world at least. So, Embrace the war for Peace and Hate the war make you hate something or someone but it hasn't the capacity to bring back the peace within you or to anyone. The decision is yours...

Stay safe and happy
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