The Religion parliament of 2021 ended in a Hate note in Haridwar

This picture is not related to the Haridwar parliament, I deliberately put this picture because it is far better than the Haridwar Parliament.

All glory to you, Lord Krishna, but if you can't figure out why your people are deteriorating, I'm reminding you that "THE TIME IS HERE." Our country's ostensibly peaceful people have been corrupted in their hearts, and they are using You and Lord Ram as shields to accomplish whatever they want. I don't want to wreck your mental space by sending you that video link because it hurts my eyes to watch. By utilising merely your name, you or Lord Ram could not believe what is going on. Can you believe that individuals in that religious parliament are discussing minorities' genocide? Minorities, whom you have always protected against the stronger, have suddenly become the most vulnerable people in your country.

You or Lord Ram or any God never wanted a Hindu Rashtra, I want to know from when and where the conversation began about Hindu Rashtra and I turned to 26 today but I never felt any dangers from any minor communities, but how can they feel the dangers from minorities though they never really interacted with any minorities? Lord Ram never felt dangers from the fisherman or fisherman communities, he avoid the palace to take a step in your hut and now people make you protect from minorities. I am laughing at this silly situation now"  previously people worship you to protect them and they threaten now the minors to protect You". I think you should have changed your designation so that you are also protected by the almighty people.

I am also clarifying that all the debates about Hindu, Hindutva, Hindu Rashtra and the Genocide of minors are only limited to Delhi, UP, Uttarakhand, Television and  WhatsApp university. Very limited people, the supreme leader and their followers are and some politicians completely immerse themselves into this hate-mongering debate and speech. They have less impact on people's daily life. Hate speech is the only possible way for them to stay in focus otherwise nobody cares about them. They have only the power to arrest the comedians and vandalize the film set. All People have seen the ache din, got the black money in the account, smart cities with free wifi, seen the success of make in India, only, only five lakh people lost life due to Covid, already extracted the oxygen, will see the Grand Ram temple, petrol crossed 100, Arrest of Munawar, Farm law impose and repeal and I can not write all the achievements of the supreme leader. 
It's only a matter of time that the supreme leader will be announced as a unanimously decided ( not elected) leader of India. The popular saying that HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF has changed historically that HISTORY CAN BE MANIPULATED same as GOD SHOULD BE PROTECTED.

I can write 1000 more words about the situation and the Supreme leader but I am sceptic about you that you may not protect me from arrest and frankly, I am not worried about you but myself. So take care of me

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