1000 rupees(MICROS) thats all the BJP need from the Prime minister of India

Because Ambani, Adani, and all other nameless electoral bonds have failed to satisfy the BJP's thirst, the Prime Minister asked people to contribute some micros to the Mega BJP parties, which only work for micro money and mega power, in his micro-donation of 1000 rupees yesterday.

According to a survey, all political parties got over 1100 crore rupees during the 2021 assembly election. During the assembly elections in Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Puducherry, the BJP got the most money, Rs 611.692 crore, and spent Rs 252 crore. According to research by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) and the National Election Watch, the party spent Rs 85.26 crore on publicity, including media advertisements, and Rs 61.73 crore on travel expenses of celebrity campaigners and other leaders.

In the last few years, our country has failed miserably in various ways but our prime minister never shares his donation money receipt anywhere but yesterday he shared his micros to Megas and appealed to people to share some micros to Megas. The PM never shared the receipts of PM care Fund but he shares the Micros. PM will do everything that to acquire some micros for Mega parties and won't do a single thing that affects the micros. 
After all, everyone needs some Micros

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